Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.
Kendall Jenner wanted into Ellen DeGeneres’s celebrity scare club, and she got into it. The model got scared twice by DeGeneres on her show after talking to DeGeneres about how she felt FOMO being one of the only Kardashian-Jenners to not be scared on the program. “No, I wasn’t genuinely offended [that you hadn’t scared me],” Jenner started when DeGeneres suggested she was actually hurt that she hadn’t had someone pop out at her during the program like Taylor Swift and more celebs. “I was just like, ‘Wow. I like all your little bits, like the Diddy one was so good, and I was like I kind of wanted to get scared.
DeGeneres tried to scare Jenner twice. The first time, when snakes popped out of the ceiling in Jenner’s dressing room, Jenner was unfazed. But then DeGeneres started pressing her about her boyfriend Ben Simmons (Jenner answered vaguely about him) and used that as a segway to having someone dressed like her mom Kris Jenner pop out of the set’s side table and spook her. DeGeneres asked if Kris Jenner approved of Jenner’s boyfriend. “I think so,” Jenner said moments before the fake Kris Jenner popped out:
Jenner joins a pretty great legacy of Kardashian-Jenners being scared on DeGeneres’s program. Kris Jenner had the most iconic scare. Backstage, someone popped out at her, and Kris fell back and tripped on a dolly.
Kim Kardashian didn’t even need a person to pop out at her. She basically had a melt down and ran away from DeGeneres on set when DeGeneres showed her a fake spider:
Kylie, Kourtney, and Khloé: you’ve been warned.
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