Game of Thrones Christmas Ball at the Lansdowne Club 2018. | LUX LIFE LONDON

It’s been a while since I blogged about a ball or other clubland event, so I figured now is a better time than any! Due to my move to Australia two years ago, I hadn’t been to a Christmas Ball since the Lansdowne ball in 2015, and so attending the Christmas ball this year felt like a sort of, homecoming, all over again. It was so much fun and this year’s theme was Game of Thrones, meaning the photo props were pretty epic!
As always I did not stick to the theme when it came to my outfit, as, as usual, I wanted to stand out. I’m not a fan of blending in, so I ditched the dark GoT colours and went for lilac and sparkles.

The girls and I took plenty of photos and caught up over bubbles, and then found our table and joined the men in our group for dinner. The club was bedecked in Game of Thrones themed decorations, and even had flying dragons projected onto the ceiling!

We started with English River Trout with soured yoghurt, pickled cucumber, and rye bread crumbs.

Main course was a delicious English Lamb Cutlets, with the most incredible and creamy wholegrain mash, glazed carrots, tenderstem broccoli, and a mint jus.

Before dessert we decided to get photos on the ‘iron’ (*ahem* plastic) throne…

And finally we enjoyed a very moreish dessert; Chocolate and praline delice!

After dinner the tables were cleared away while we all enjoyed the vodka luge, and then it was dancing time! As always the music was epic and the DJ did a great job of keeping everyone up and dancing until the early hours.

It was such a fun night and we had the best time!! I’ve been to quite a few balls since I got back to London in May (four, in fact), but this was definitely one of the best, and it reminded me of what I was missing while I was living in Sydney.

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