[productsample/affiliate] I’m always happy for an Isadora nail arrival. I don’t paint my nails nearly as much as I used to but if I do, nine times out of ten, I pick from Isadora, Kure or Chanel. There aren’t many other nails brands that feature in my stash any more. I think I say the same thing about Isadora nail polishes every single time so I’ll be very brief this time – they’re great. Fast drying, more enduring than most and lovely, glossy shades.
Isadora Spring Nails
On the nail wheel above, shades are Spring Bling, a pinky-lilac shimmer shot colour, In Red, a vibrant orange toned red and Tender Peach, a pastel peach shade. I like all of them but I’d steer to the red first I think, followed by peach. At £8.95 each, they’re good value. As FeelUnique is the only Isadora stockist in the UK, stock is always a bit random – the spring lipsticks that I featured last week are all in stock but not the nails – yet. They’ll be along shortly I’m sure.
*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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