[productsample] Meet my Complexion Rescue Mountain – I can never quite bear to throw away the tubes until I am convinced that the very last drop is gone. You can see them in various stages of desperation in the main picture. This is my go-to base virtually every single morning for coverage when I stagger out of the house at 7.30/8 ish with the dog. It’s to stop me looking quite so death-warmed-up (mornings aren’t my beautiful moment) with a bit of added hydration and SPF. There’s nothing I don’t like about it – the gel texture blends perfectly, it’s moisturising coverage that lasts as long as I need it to and the colour selection is great – my main shade is Wheat but I can go either side of that depending on where my tone is at.
Anyway, this post is just to say that there is a jumbo tube 70ml on QVC (while stocks last) for £37 which represents good value as a normal size tube is £28 for 35ml. You can find it HERE. If you’re like me and go though buckets of this stuff, it’s a saving worth having. Now I’m thinking they should do a bucket size ;-).
*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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