Watch Miley Cyrus Crash Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin’s Carpool Karaoke Episode

It girl models Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin are the latest celebrities enlisted to be in Apple TV’s Carpool Karaoke series. Neither has the voice of a pop star (though one is married to one), but both have the arm dance moves to rival any other carpool karaoke participant. The two get very into singing Miley Cyrus’s “Party in the U.S.A.” in the first clip of their episode, shared by Carpool Karaoke on Twitter. Then Miley Cyrus herself crashes their party to add a little more vocal power to their jam session.

Cyrus’s entrance starts out creepy: she appears outside Jenner or Baldwin’s window, then one girl notices before Cyrus disappears. Then, like magic, Cyrus appears in the back seat. The DJ plays their song and they feel alright:

Jenner and Baldwin’s full segment is available to watch today on Apple TV’s free app.

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