I have been dying to try WASO! I’m a massive fan of Shiseido skincare – despite the prices. It launched last year and is for a younger age-group than I fall into (generically ‘young adults’) but that doesn’t stop me wanting to touch it and feel the textures. Texture is a huge part of this nature-inspired brand. Think jelly lotions, peel-off masks and wobbly sleeping cream. Because they’re not targeted at my skin I haven’t yet tested the Purifying Peel Off Mask which is really for brightening skin that’s oily and congested. I don’t see any reason why I can’t (and in fact, I will!) other than it might be a little drying for me but I have never known a drying Shiseido product in my life so I reckon I can repurpose this into a brightening mask and make sure I put lots of moisturiser on afterwards. Just need to be careful that the peel off element isn’t too, er, hair-pulling!
WASO Skincare
I have tried the Beauty Sleeping Mask – an absolute joy that cools the skin and gives a dose of yuzu infused hydration that’s not at all oily. It’s very fresh both in fragrance and texture and my skin stayed feeling fresh for ages. In terms of hydration, I found it very skin softening and my complexion was moisturised, but it’s not really giving my skin what it needs in the longer term (it’s not supposed to so that’s fine). For example, yuzu promotes natural production of hyaluronic whereas I’m past that – I need a big dose of hyaluronic inside the product as well as encouraging my own production. It’s really for skin that looks dull and tired (post party maybe or long week at work) and has a propensity for breakouts – built into the formula is some anti-blemish technology that helps to stop spots forming in the first place. Where I will use this is for the flash recharge mask element – ten minutes of a thick layer to revive skin and give it a fresher look and feel.
Shiseido likes to drop in the odd stat here and there and they’re often strange – 93% of testers said their skin felt charged with nutrients. Of all the testing I do, I have never thought to myself, great, my skin now feels fully charged with nutrients. Nonetheless, 90% said their skin was more hydrated which I’d totally agree with but now I’m questioning the 10% who said it wasn’t. How could it not have been? I reckon they got some stubborn ladies in that day!
Although it’s aimed at a younger market, the brand isn’t priced for a more economically squeezed market. The Beauty Sleeping Mask is £39 and the Peel Off Mask is £30. John Lewis has a price match promotion equating to 15% off but they’re out of stock for the two new products I’ve just mentioned. It’s worth having a look at the other products though if you have troublesome skin. They’re HERE.
*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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