This was always coming, right? CBD has hit the news in a number of ways recently but what you need to know about it is that Cannabidiol (CBD) isn’t anything like it’s more famous counterpart, THC, so you have no need to worry that there’s something addictive or bad for you in this facial oil. In fact, The World Health Organisation, back in February, declared CBD oil not only non-addictive, but also that it has no detriment to health. Which is why I think we will see an explosion of CBD beauty products in the not too distant future with brands no doubt rushing through trials and formulas. The bottom line is that while there are a few findings regarding beauty and CBD oil, they are few and far between – there haven’t been any major league studies on the effects on skin health or how it might translate to skin glow or other beauty benefits. So really, it’s a question of try it and see… which I have!
CBD Beauty Enriching Oil
CBD is being widely tested in medicine so there are a few findings including the fact that it’s good at regulating sebum and also that great results are found when it’s used on eczema. As a compound full of essential fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, D and E, the one thing we do know about it is that it highly anti-inflammatory. If you accept that inflammation is the cause of many skin issues, such as redness, break outs or dryness, each with their own subsequent knock-ons, you will see that it’s an important thing to have in your skin care. CBD (CBeautyDifferently) Enriching Oil blends CBD and Marula Oil to create the lightest, silkiest oil that you will notice sits perfectly on your skin. There’s no heaviness, no difficulty blending nor any pools of residue next morning. This oil feels completely skin compatible and sorted out the tiny flakes of dryness I had between my brows (for some reason, a dryness hot-spot on my face) – gone by day 3. All I can say is that this a beautiful blend that feels wonderful on my skin – it definitely leaves a softness that other oils will struggle to replicate, my foundation sits well over it during the day and it’s all I’ve used since I got my hands on it, both morning and night. As I mentioned in another post, I’m using Bharti’s cleanser and between the two of them, they’re a dream team. If paring back is on your agenda, this seems to be the perfect couple, regardless of age or tone and especially if your skin is older or dry. It’s £48 HERE.
CBeautyDifferently a new innovative natural beauty brand founded by Marisa Lea
and Sharon Reid, has launched three CBD infused products.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most prevalent chemical compounds in the cannabis
plant. Unlike the more famous molecule, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is
completely non-psychoactive.
The health benefits of CBD have been well documented; taken mainly in oil form;
CBD has been used by cancer patients, along with those afflicted with motor
disorders, diabetes and lupus.
Another key benefit of CBD is its anti- inflammatory properties making it an ideal
component for skincare.
The Product Range
*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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