If any of the 60% off styles grab you, there are some real bargains to be had on the Fitflop site. There’s also an extra 20% off (code EXTRA20) if you subscribe to their emails and on this occasion, it’s worth it. So, obviously, because it’s ‘up to 60%’ there are only a few with that discount, but mostly they happen to be the Uberknits which I love. I bought my black Uberknits last year and they’re a great summer shoe for walking about. Admittedly, unless you have ultra-hot feet, they’re not winter-weight so a pair is something to put away for spring. The black crystal pair above are reduced from £90 to £36 – take off an extra 20% to sub and they’re £28.80 (beware, the offer isn’t the same for different colours, so keep an eye on that). They’re HERE.
Fitflop Rumba
Most of the Rumba (above) colours are £32 reduced from £80 so it’s the full 60% off – if you have a winter beach holiday coming up they’re perfect for that, but otherwise, it’s a put-them-away story, but so worth it for teaming with shorts, jeans or maxi-dresses when the sun is high. They’re HERE.
These are the Uberknits in the main picture that I got last year (ha, just returned from a very sunny dog walk by the looks of things!) – the newer versions (in the sale) are a little different in that they’ve got a bronze detail if you get the black version and they’re more high top than the crystal pair above. They’re £32 from £80 HERE.
I’m only doing a small Black Friday post on Friday – trying to avoid the hysteria – but this was just too good to miss. All sizes (3 to 9) seem to be available.
non Aff HERE
*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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