Typically, Victoria Beckham isn’t one of those celebrities who would show her bra on the red carpet, let alone any, ahem, nipple, but last night at a fashion week event in Paris she wore a totally sheer blouse which exposed her sheer bra. See-through fabrics have dominated street style photographs this month, with many attendees wearing sheer baby doll dresses, and the likes of Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid going braless on repeat occasions.
Beckham showed last night that it is, in fact, possible to show your bra and still look classy and professional (as she always does), wearing a soft dusty pink high-collar blouse, which revealed her see-through white bra underneath. She tucked her blouse into a pair of high-waisted, wide-leg yellow trousers which completely covered her shoes. As they say, when in Paris…
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