Tricks for Looking Good After a Red-Eye Flight

Overnight flights, how do we hate thee? Let us count the ways: zero leg room, a seat that barely reclines, the child in front of you screaming incessantly, the child behind you merrily kicking your seat, and an early-morning landing time that ensures tomorrow will likely be a hellish day. But there is an art to taking a red-eye and thriving the day after—and it doesn’t take gold-level status to master. Here, the tech tools and day-after products—including a redness-reducing eye drop—that can help you look less ravaged by jet lag.


Look Refreshed

Booking a red-eye so you can stay somewhere great a few hours longer without taking another PTO day at work? We see you, and we approve. If you’re heading straight to the office, look well-rested even if you don’t feel it by targeting red, tired-looking eyes. Enter LUMIFY™ drops that help make eyes look whiter and brighter and more “I just slept for a full blissful eight hours.”

LUMIFY™ Redness Reliever Eye Drops;



LUMIFY is a trademark of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates. ©2018 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated.

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Energize Properly

Red-eye travel’s top hurdle? Pushing through the fatigue post-landing. And the seemingly sensible energy play of chugging a triple espresso is actually the worst move: Relying heavily on caffeine can throw off your first-night-back sleep, making it even harder to adjust. Instead, frequent fliers often cite the one-two punch of plenty of water and B-12 vitamins to help flight sluggishness.

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Get Mindful

If you’ve got a hectic travel schedule, the last thing you want to do is add another to-do to your plate. But meditation practically adds time to your day by quelling stress and making you more mindful and focused. Devotees say it can also help you fall (and stay) asleep—helpful when you need to nod off on a plane or your first night in a new place. Meditation apps takes the guesswork out of it, making it super easy for beginners. Use it throughout your travels (and then when you land) to max out benefits.

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Wind Down

You landed at the crack of dawn and powered through the day. Now, you’re ready to sleep—but you can’t seem to turn your brain off. Try a wind-down tea like chamomile, known for helping induce slumber and for fighting anxiety (a sneaky secondary concern if beyond being seriously exhausted, you’re keyed-up about getting to sleep in the first place).

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Wake Up Right

Your body might not know what time zone you’re in, but there’s no denying the longitudinal truth. Get a sunrise simulator alarm clock to help get your circadian rhythm back on track. Exposing yourself to light after a red-eye helps force you out of I-should-be-sleeping mode and can increase cortisol levels, making you feel more alert. For an added bonus, look for a version with Bluetooth connectivity so you can make sure your favorite song helps rouse you from slumber.

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