Dr. Christine Blasey Ford bravely recounted the details of an alleged sexual assault that occurred at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh in the summer of 1982 before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, Sept. 27.
Surrounded by cameras, Ford said, “I am here today not because I want to be. I am terrified. I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school.” As she revisited the gruesome encounter for the committee, phones at sexual assault help hotlines across the U.S. were ringing off the hook.
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According to TIME, the National Sexual Assault Hotline saw a 147 percent spike in incoming calls on Thursday—the day Ford and Kavanugh testified—in comparison to a typical weekday.
Per the same report, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) said it has seen a 45.6 percent increase in incoming calls compared to the same time period in 2017, and a 57 percent increase the weekend that Deborah Ramirez came forward with her allegations against Kavanaugh compared to the same time period last year.
The Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing to vote to recommend Kavanaugh’s confirmation began at 9:30 a.m. today, Sept. 28, and the committee will vote at 1:30 p.m. If the Senate votes to recommend Kavanaugh’s confirmation, his confirmation will be moved to the floor.
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