President Donald Trump Should Be Impeached, According to a A Majority of Women

We’re slowly creeping up on the two-year anniversary of that fateful November day when Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. Now, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, disapproval of Trump is at a high, with 60 percent of Americans disapproving of his performance in office.

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ABC News also reports that his average approval rating while in office is the “lowest for any president in modern polling since the 1940s.” Ouch!

All of this comes about a week after it was announced that Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was convicted on eight counts of financial crimes, as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen also plead guilty to financial crimes, including campaign finance violations, which he says he committed at Trump’s direction.

According to this poll, if Trump did direct Cohen, 61 percent of people think Trump committed a crime. About half of the country now supports Congress initiating impeachment proceedings, including 57 percent of women who support impeachment proceedings.

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