I know right, who? GP & J Baker is a fabric design company based in Chelsea Harbour in London – they hold a royal warrant so maybe it’s the recent Megan furore that’s inspired H&M to collaborate with them but I just don’t imagine that many people will know who they are – I had to look them up. It seems such a random collaboration but there are some gorgeous, gorgeous pieces.
GP & J Baker x H&M Sweat Shirt
The pattern that grabbed my attention as I passed H&M the other day is this one – red hexagons with a sparkly edge – and I walked right in and bought it there and then for all of £17.99! Bargain. It’s the occasional thing like this that breaks me out of my black/white/grey/neutral habit and yes – it’s perfect with black skinnies.. my favourite things to wear!
GP & J Baker x H&M Sweat Shirt
I got my daughter, Lucy, to take a quick iPhone shot – you need to like loose and boxy as you can see.. but that is literally my perfect sweat top shape – I don’t like sweatshirts or sweaters that bunch in at the bottom. You can find it HERE.
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*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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