If you thought seven murders and one—to two—serial killers were enough to last this town a lifetime, then you don’t know Riverdale. Based on the newly released season 3 trailer from San Diego Comic Con, your favorite ambiguously located town is shadier than ever—and this time, there’s a cult. No, not the just the cult-like fandom that the show has garnered, but the kind that holds babies over bonfires.
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The trailer is mostly a season 2 recap, but skip to two minutes in and the new footage begins. We’ll find the core four together in the premiere following a time jump. Despite the news that season 3 will cover Archie’s murder trial (with the prosecuting attorney played by Penelope Ann Miller (The Artist), it seems he’s out on his own and just wants to have a “great, normal Labor Day weekend” after the “worst summer ever.” Side note: Are weekend lake trips allowed when you’re on bail? Also, how is this car allowed on the road?
Here, some more important moments from the first season three footage:
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I love that Archie is a strawberry milkshake with sprinkles kind of guy.
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Looks like Varchie won’t let the fact that Veronica’s parents almost definitely framed Archie for murder get them down.
Jughead may be allergic to lake water… and fun.
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Betty’s spidey senses are still top notch.
Looks like Alice has joined Penny’s cult—and it only took .5 seconds for all of us to realize how bad that is.
Watch the full trailer here:
Riverdale returns Wednesday October 10 at 8 P.M. EST on The CW.
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