Literally Just 13 Photos of the Baby Trump Balloon in All Its Glory

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The Underbelly

The balloon offered no shortage of cartoonish detail, including a safety pin diaper, chest hair, and a phone that appears to be open to Twitter.

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Down For a Nap

The Trump baby balloon is inflated in London’s Parliament Square.

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UK Pride

The British flag waves at the ground below the balloon.

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A Star Is Born

The Trump baby balloon is inflated in London’s Parliament Square.

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Future’s So Abismal I Gotta Wear Shades

The Trump baby balloon appears in the reflection of a protestor’s sunglasses.

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Bollocks to Trump

Protestors wore “Bollocks to Brexit, Bollocks to Trump” stickers at today’s protest.

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Tiny Hands

Note the size of the balloon’s arms compared to the size of its hands.

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Up Close and Personal

Creators didn’t skimp on the orange latex.

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A Crowd Pleaser

Protesters snap photos of the balloon as workers prepare for its ascent.

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The Ascent

The Trump baby balloon begins its ascent over Parliament.

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So Regal

The Trump balloon begins to rise over a crowd in front of Parliament.

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Trump Babysitters

Protesters tasked with inflating the balloon wore “Trump Babysitter” jumpsuits.

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A Very Meta Protest

This protestor’s “Go Home Orange Racist” sign featured the Trump baby balloon pictured on another, smaller balloon.

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