You’ll be seeing quite a bit of this brand, especially across social channels I reckon. I’ve not yet come across a brand that is so obviously built for millenials – it’s like someone gave them the Big Ladybird Book Of Millenials and they copied it cover to cover. Tested on animals, no. Empowering for women, yes. Making a difference, yes. Korean inspired, yes. Founded by women, yes. Or is it? Well, the company itself is trademark registered by Feel Unique. Bizarrely, on the website, Hello Jo say ‘we have chosen to partner with FeelUnique for fulfillment’. They are FeelUnique, so that’s odd. Also odd is the declaration HERE that it was founded by a collective of talented and creative women who never intended to start a beauty brand but a movement. Sorry but my BS-ometer is at explode.
Also, note that women is spelled across the site as womxn and if you’re not woke enough to realise, that’s a way of taking the words men or man out of women or woman. It’s also sold on FeelUnique with the FU staff ‘reviewing’ the products and an introduction that goes like this: “Introducing Hello Jo, a new British born, Korean developed beauty brand; made to make a difference. Born from the cultural revolution amongst women, Hello Jo is starting the first ever beauty movement; one that helps women support women; all fuelled by caffeine active beauty products.”
There is a whole raft of information about the brand on its own website as well as FU but literally nothing at all about these mysterious womxn whose creativity and talent brought about Hello Jo. The brand has chosen caffeine as their key ingredient and list all the benefits of that ingredient such as “Energises and invigorates, Releases dopamine (happy hormones), Stimulates the brain to improve our focus, reaction times, memory and cognitive functions, Fuels our bodies and boosts fitness regimes”… maybe in the cup but definitely NOT in a lip mask or a cream. And that’s only half the list… and really I’m not seeing a connection between drinking coffee and buying beauty products with caffeine in them.
I was going to give a quick run down of the products I’ve tried but I just feel rather confused and perhaps even duped by this brand already. I don’t know what is real and what isn’t, why FeelUnique aren’t claiming it (why wouldn’t they?) and why this is so obviously artificially built to shoehorn as many trends as possible into one brand rather than to genuinely service a need with great products and heart. So, not reviewing because it’s utterly soulless and confusing.
*all products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.
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