The newly-engaged Hailey Baldwin is back and active on social media after Justin Bieber confirmed their engagement and his passionate love for Baldwin in a gushy Instagram last night. Baldwin made her own first comments on being Bieber’s fiancé in a sweet (and grammatically-sound) tweet. “Not sure what I did in life to deserve such happiness but I am so utterly grateful to God for giving me such an incredible person to share my life with!” she wrote. “No words could ever express my gratitude.”
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Over on Instagram, Baldwin posted a bikini selfie, then changed her mind about that and deleted it hours later. The screenshot lives on via fan accounts. While she didn’t disclose why she took it down, it may have been because it was an engagement-ringless shot, and she wanted a pic with her ring (and maybe a smitten caption-essay about Bieber) to start her new Instagram era as his future bride. She had posted the ‘gram right before Bieber published his engagement confirmation shot, and his was a lot.
Or maybe she just wasn’t feeling it anymore, only she knows…
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Baldwin also made her hatred of Bieber’s mustache Instagram official, responding to a friend’s suggestion that Bieber grow back his ‘stache for the wedding. “don’t u dare give him that idea you lunatic,” she wrote. Baldwin is the reason Bieber shaved it off before.
Meanwhile, TMZ added to the report that Bieber’s proposal to Baldwin was planned, not spontaneous. Sources close to the couple told the outlet that Bieber asked Stephen Baldwin, her dad, for his daughter’s hand in marriage several weeks ago, during a face-to-face meeting. The two have only been dating casually for several weeks, so make what you will of that timeline. Stephen Baldwin happily gave his blessing, in part because he believed Bieber shared the same Christian values as he and his daughter.
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