We’re officially declaring oversized unicorn and swan floats dead, and ditching them for pool accessories of the casket variety. That’s right—the latest in outrageous pool accessories is this millennial pink, coffin-shaped pool float.
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The float—which comes from Canadian designers Andrew Greenbaum and Ian Felton—features a lid so you can rest (in peace) in your very own sailing sarcophagus.
When images of the float started spreading on social media, the project was still in the prototype stage. “Super hilarious project,” wrote Greenbaum on Instagram. “Truth be told thou, we about $15,000 short from being able to sell this to ya’ll. Let us know if you think a kickstarter would be a cool idea or if you have a rich daddy who wanna invest. We taking suggestion no doubt for sure.”
While Greenbaum has just over 3,000 followers on Instagram, the post has accumulated more than 6,000 likes, and hundreds of comments along the lines of “Shut up and take my money.”
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So, in response to the frenzy surrounding the novelty float, Greenbaum and Felton have launched a Kickstarter for the item here. “Ian and I came up with the idea together three years ago,” Greenbaum told ELLE.com. “We really were just attracted to the idea of expressing our humour and ideas into products. We both thought that the pool toy industry was a really fun way of doing that.”
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