At the Who What Wear offices, everyone started calling me our French expert. Now, this isn’t because I’m French (though I’m convinced I need DNA testing for conclusive proof), but it’s because I’m so fascinated by all things French. I lived in Paris for a summer, and ever since, I’ve been enamored by Parisian style and the effortlessness of it all.
I also work with Sabina Socol on her monthly column for Who What Wear, so I closely follow her style and ask her for insight into French-girl style from time to time. Recently, though, I was following a Q&A series she had on her Instagram Stories and was intrigued to discover that she actually looks to Americans for most of her style inspiration. Fascinated, I asked her to tell me more.
“I think actually my favorite accounts to follow for inspiration,” she explains, “and also my favorite brands, are Americans!” Interesting, because this whole time I’ve been looking to French girls to glean a good portion of my style insight.
Who, though, are her specific points of inspiration? Socol told me, “Whenever I’m looking for inspo or cool new emerging designers, I look at girls like Courtney Trop (@alwaysjudging) or Reese Blutstein (@double3xposure), and they always manage to create the coolest outfits with never seen before brands.”
I, too, look to them as cool tastemakers who shine a light on up-and-coming brands, so this similarity is interesting.
But, while French girls are incorporating many of these new brands into their wardrobes, the way they’re wearing them still looks distinctly French to me. “It’s pretty funny to see how, coming from different countries, we can style similar clothing completely differently!” says Socol.
So, maybe the styling and approach to fashion is the real difference in American versus French style, rather than the actual pieces they’re wearing. Ahead, shop pieces you’ll find in Socol’s Parisian closet.
Now, find out the eight-piece French-girl summer wardrobe.
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